An Alternative to Foot Orthotics for Flat Feet in Children

Flat feet is a bit of a controversial topic with some thinking that it is just a natural variation and not problem and others thinking that its dangerous and they all should be treated with foot orthotics. There are plenty of opinions and views on this and not a a lot of good long term evidence. This can make for a challenging decision regarding the advice that a clinician might give regarding the best treatment option for a particular child.

This can more be the case for mild cases that do not need treatment, but the parents need to be reassured that it is not going to be a problem. There are alternatives to foot orthotics. Some may like to try an arch supporting flip flop, like the Archies. Another option is to use little wedges or rectangles of podiatry felt and just stick them under the medial side of the shoe. The felt will give some mild support to encourage the foot to grow in the right direction. Its a relatively mild intervention and reassures the parents that something is being done. The felt can also be replaced every time there is new pair of shoes purchased. The lighter weight of the child also means that it will not compress to quickly.

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